
Publications 2020-02-01T17:10:18+00:00

Academic Publications

Maccani, G., Connolly, N. and Donnellan, B. (2019) IT Governance in Smart Cities: an Interpretive Case Study of a European City Authority, European Conference on Information Systems, Stockholm European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm, Sweden, 2019

McLoughlin, S., Donnellan, B. (2019) ‘Affordances of Control in a Paradigm of Spatial Computing’, PACIS: Pacific-Asian Conference on Information Systems Workshop Proceedings

McLoughlin, S., Maccani, G., Puvvala, A., Donnellan, B. (2019) ‘The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Relationship Maintenance of Social Capital’ AMCIS: Americas Conference on Information Systems

McLoughlin, S., Puvvala, A., Maccani, G., Donnellan, B.(2019) A framework for understanding and classifying Urban Data Business Models, Proceeding of 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2019

Maccani, G., Connolly, N., Donnellan, B., (2019) Smart City IT Governance: A Dynamic Capability Perspective, in Academy of Management Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, 2019.

Karimikia, H., Donnellan, B (2019) The Impact of IT Boundary Spanners’ Activities on Citizens’ Perception of Smart IT Services and Smart IT Projects Success, AMCIS 2019 (Americas Conference on Information Systems) Cancun, Mexico, 2019.

Donnellan B., Klein C., Helfert M. (Eds.) (2019) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. May 3-5, 2019, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Chatfield, A.T., Reddick, C.G., Donnellan, B., Baldwin, D. & Chung, H.M. (2019). Rethinking public value cocreation in smart city ecosystems: A meta-analysis of smart city studies. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 15-18, 2019, Munich, Germany.

Maccani, G. Donnellan, B., Helfert, M. (2017) Adoption of Open Government Data for Commercial Service Innovation: an Inductive Case Study on Parking Open Data Services, 23rd Americas Conference on Infomration Systems, Boston, August 12-14 2017.

Topi, H., Karsten H, Brown, S,. Carvalho, JA, Donnellan, B., Shen, J.,Tan, B., and Thouin, M. (2017) “MSIS 2016 Global Competency Model for Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 40 , Article 18.
Available at:

Maccani, G. Donnellan, B., Helfert, M. (2017) Adoption of Open Government Data for Commercial Service Innovation: an Inductive Case Study on Parking Open Data Services, 23rd Americas Conference on Infomration Systems, Boston, August 12-14 2017.

Topi, H., Karsten H, Brown, S,. Carvalho, JA, Donnellan, B., Shen, J.,Tan, B., and Thouin, M. (2017) “MSIS 2016 Global Competency Model for Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 40 , Article 18.
Available at:

Petercsak R., Donnellan B. (2016), Establishing The Role Of Space In Socio-Material Approaches To Citizen Innovation” European Conference in Information Systems (ECIS) 2016, Istanbul.

Helfert M., Krempels K.H., Klein C., Donnellan B. and O. Gusikhin (2016) Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2016), eds Helfert M., Krempels K.H., Klein C., Donnellan B. and O. Gusikhin

Topi, H., Karsten, H. Brown, S.A., Donnellan, B., Bernard C.Y. Tan, B., Carvalho, J.A., Shen, J., Thouin, M., (2016) MSIS 2016: A Global Effort to Update the Masters Curriculum in Information Systems, 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016).

Petercsak R., Maccani G., Donnellan B. (2016), “Enabling Factors for Smart Cities: A Case Study” , International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Carvalho J., Conboy K., Gokhan O.,Donnellan B. (2016), “The Revised MSIS Curriculum: A Gateway Between The Old and The New” Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016) , Instanbul, Turkey.

Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainable Computing Cities and Society (forthcoming in 2016) (eds.) Helfert M., Krempels K.H., Klein C. and Donnellan B.

Costello, G., Donnellan B. (2016) IT-Enabled R&D for Business Value in a Global Framework, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2016.

Parsons, J., Tuunanen, T., Venable, J., Donnellan, B., Helfert, M., Kenneally, J. (2016) (Eds.), Tackling Society’s Grand Challenges with Design Science11th International Conference, DESRIST 2016, St. John’s, NL, Canada, May 23-25, 2016, Proceedings

Maccani G., Donnelan B., Helfert M. (2015) Exploring The Factors That Influence The Diffusion Of Open Data Services: An Interpretive Case Study, ECIS 2015, Meunster, Germany, May 2015

Horgan J., Donnellan B., (2015) A Resource Based View of Cloud Computing: A Case Study, Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, 2015

Costello G. Donnellan B., Conboy K., (2015) Reflections on ‘reflection’ in Action Research, Proceedings of the European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2015, Warsaw, (Poland), 17-20 June 2015.

Costello, G., Donnellan, B. (2015) ‘Comparing Dialogical Action Research and Design Science as forms of Engaged Scholarship’  Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management Conference 2015

Carvalho J., Karsten E., Donnellan B. (2015), “A New Model Curriculum for MSc in Information Systems” Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015) , Münster, Germany.

Horgan, J., Donnellan, B. (2015) The Resource Based Perpective of Cloud Computing:, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on IS Management and Evaluation ECIME 2015, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, 21-22 September 2015.

Maccani, G., Donnellan, B., Helfert, M., (2015) Open  Data Diffusion For Service Innovation: An Inductive Case Study On Cultural Open Data Services, The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), Singapore.

Donnellan B., Gleasure R., Helfert M., Kenneally J. , Rothenberger M., Chiarini Tremblay M., VanderMeer D., Winter R., (Eds.) (2015), At the Vanguard of Design Science: First Impressions and Findings from Ongoing Research, Research-in-Progress Papers and Poster Presentations from the 10th International Conference, DESRIST 2015, Dublin, Ireland, May 2015.

Donnellan, B., Helfert, M., Kenneally, J., VanderMeer, D., Rothenberger, M., Winter, R. (Eds.) (2015) New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda, 10th International Conference, DESRIST 2015, Dublin, Ireland, May 20-22, 2015.

Costello G., Donnellan B. (2015), IT Enabled R&D for Business Value in a Global Framework, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 2015-07-07, p. 1-15, Springer,

Helfert M.,  Krempels K.H., Klein C., Donnellan B. and O. Gusikhin (2015) Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2015), eds  Helfert M.,  Krempels K.H., Klein C., Donnellan B. and O. Gusikhin

Donnellan, B. (2015) Smart City Infrastructures, 2015 Strategic Innovation Summit: “Enabling Economies for the Future”, Innovation Summit, Harvard University, 26-27 September, 2015.

Topi H., Karsten  H., Brown S.A., Carvalho J.A, Donnellan B.,Shen, J.Tan, B.,Thouin M.F. (2015) Revising the MSIS 2016 Model Curriculum: Status Update and Panel at AIS SIG-ED IAIM 2015 Conference, Fort Worth,Texas, 2015

Topi H., Karsten  H., Brown S.A., Carvalho J.A, Donnellan B.,Shen, J.Tan, B.,Thouin M.F. (2015) Current MSIS Students’ Views on Program Outcomes, AIS SIG-ED IAIM 2015 Conference, Fort Worth,Texas, 2015.

Evans L., Donnellan B. (2015), Unpacking the Thing in the Internet of Things, SIGPRAG 2015, Fort Worth,Texas, 2015.

Topi H., Karsten  H., Brown S.A., Carvalho J.A, Donnellan B.,Shen, J.Tan, B.,Thouin M.F. (2015), Masters Degree Programs in Information Systems: A Global View, AIS SIG-ED IAIM 2015 Conference, Fort Worth,Texas, 2015

Kenneally J., Prendergast D., Maccani  G., Donnellan B. and M. Helfert (2014) Sustainable Connected Cities: Vision And Blueprint For Action, Practical Aspects of Design Science, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Helfert, M., Donnellan, Brian (Eds.)

Donnellan, B., and Costello, G. (2014)  “Engaged Scholarship”, Encyclopaedia of Action Research, Sage.

Curry E., Donnellan B., (2014)  Implementing Sustainable IT Strategy: The Case Of Intel, Journal of IT Teaching Cases Vol 4, p 41-48, 2014

Kenneally, J., Maccani G., Donnellan B.,Prendergast D., Helfert, M. (2014) “Systematic analysis of digitally enabled services for Sustainable Connected Cities” ISPIM Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 2014

Maccani G., Donnellan, B., Helfert, M. (2014),”Systematic Problem Formulation In Action Design Research: The Case Of Smart Cities” , ECIS 2014

Topi H., Conboy K., Donnellan B., Ramesh V., Vantoorn C., Wright R., (2014) ‘”Moving Towards the Next Generation of Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, January 2014

Maccani G., Donnellan B., Helfert M, Kenneally J, Prendergast D.,(2014)  Applying Grounded Theory to Explore Smart City Services within an Action Design Research Project, European Design Science Symposium 2014, Clontarf Castle, Dublin

Conway G., Curry ., Donnellan B., (2014) Cloud Computing Adoption: An SME Case Study, Irish Academy of Management Conference 2014, University of Limerick.

Maccani G., Donnellan B., Helfert M. (2014) Action Design Research in practice: The Case of Smart Cities , DESRIST 2014, Florida, USA.

Costello, G., Donnellan B., (2013) “Symbolic interactionism and the Cell Information Board: Challenging The Wisdom of Systems”, Artifact Design and Workplace Intervention (ADWI) Workshop, June 10, 2013, Tilburg.

Curry and B. Donnellan (2013), Green Information Systems, Wiley Encyclopaedia of Management 3rd Edition, Volume 7 Management Information Systems , 2013

Curry E., Donnellan B., and (2013) Sustainable IT in Information Systems and Information Technology, Volume 2  (Computing Handbook Set, Third Edition,) edited by Heikki Topi and Allen Tucker. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis, 2013.

Helfert M., Donnellan B., Ostrowski L. (2013), The Case For Design Science Utility And Quality – Evaluation Of Design Science Artifact Within The Sustainable ICT Capability Maturity Framework,  International Journal on Information Technology, Action, Communication and Workpractices, Vol. 6 (2013), No. 1, pp. 46–66,

Goldkuhl, G., and Brian Donnellan (2013), Collaboration and validation in practice research and design research: Editorial, International Journal on Information Technology, Action, Communication and Workpractices, Vol. 6 (2013), No. 1, pp. 1-5,

Bradshaw R., Donnellan, B.,(2013) Energy Informatics Can Optimize the Design of Supply and Demand Networks’, SMARTGREENS 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Aachen, Germany, 2013.

Maccani G., Donnellan, B., Helfert, M., (2013) A Comprehensive Framework for Smart Cities, SMARTGREENS 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems, Aachen, Germany, 2013.

McGeogh B., Donnellan B., (2013) Factors That Affect the Adoption of Cloud Computing For an Enterprise: A Case Study of Cloud Adoption within Intel Corporation, ECIS 2013: 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Jun 6- 8, 2013, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Bradshaw R., Donnellan B., (2013) How Can Green Information Systems Optimise The Design Of Supply And Demand Networks , ECIS 2013: 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Jun 6- 8, 2013, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Costello G., Curley M., Donnellan, B. (2013) A Theoretical Framewwork To Support Information Systems and Innovation Research, Communications of the Association of Information Systems, Volume 33, Article 26, pp. 443-462, December 2013

Donnellan, B.,(2013) IT and Sustainability, WEBIST International Conference Keynote Address, Aachen, Germany, 9th May, 2013.

Costello G., Donnellan B. (2013), The Phenomenology of Time: Reflections from the Lebenswelt, at the Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop: Time, History and Materiality in Management and Organization Studies, 12th-13th June 2013, London School of Economics.

Donnellan B., Costello G. (2013), ICT and Sustainability:  An Overview of Current Contributions and Future Research from the Information Systems community, International Workshop on Information and Communications Technology for Environmental Regulation, 20th June 2013, Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics , NUI Galway.

Goldkuhl, G., and Brian Donnellan (2013), IT artefact & practice theorizing – pragmatic perspectives: Editorial, International Journal on Information Technology, Action, Communication and Workpractices, Vol. 7 (2013), No. 1, pp. 1-4,

Costello, G., Donnellan B., (2013) “Symbolic interactionism and the Cell Information Board: Challenging The Wisdom of Systems”, Artifact Design and Workplace Intervention (ADWI) Workshop, June 5, 2013, Tilburg.

Costello, G. J., Donnellan, B. and Conboy, K. (2013) ‘Implementing an Innovation Project in an Irish Multi-national Subsidiary: A Dialogical Action Research Study ‘, Irish Journal of Management, 33(1), 73-89.

Goldkuhl G., Donnellan, B.,  (2013), Collaboration and validation in practice research and design research: Editorial of Sysiac, International Journal oF Information Technology, Action, Communication and Workpractices, Vol. 7 (2013), No. 1, pp. 1-4,

Maccani, G., Donnellan, B., Helfert, M., (2013) “The Development of a Framework for Sustainable Connected Cities for Dublin, Ireland”, Sustainable Innovation Conference, Epsom, Surrey, UK, November 2013.

Menchaca R., Donnellan N., Wintrich G., Donnellan B. (2013), Applying Design Thinking Across The Product Lifecycle In Dell Inc., Practical Aspects of Design Science, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Helfert, M., Donnellan, Brian (Eds.).

Hevner A., Anderson J., Donnellan B., (2013) Practical Aspects of Design Science: Communications in Computer and Information Science , Springer, Helfert, M., Donnellan, Brian (Eds.)

Costello, G., Donnellan (2012), “Creating Interpretive Space for Engaged Scholarship”  in “Information Systems Research and Exploring Social Artifacts: Approaches and Methodologies” edited by Pedro Isaías and Miguel Baptista Nunes, IGI Global, 2012.

Donnellan, B., and Costello, G.J. (2012) “Creating Interpretive Spaces for Open Innovation: The IVI”, in “Managing Open Innovation Technologies” , Lundstrom, J.E., Agerfalk, P., Edinius M., Hrastinski, M., Wiberg, M. (Editors), 2012

Pernici, B., Aiello, M., vom Brocke, J., Donnellan, B., Gelenbe, E., Kretsis, M. (2012), What IS can do for Environmental Sustainability: A Report from the CAiSE´11 Panel report on Green and Sustainable IS , Communications of the AIS.

Curley, M., Donnellan B. (2012), The Application of Open Innovation 2.0, Engaged Scholarship and Design Science Research in the Innovation Value Institute, EU Open Service Innovation Yearbook, 2011-2012.

Donnellan, B. and Costello, G. J. (2012) Open Innovation in Practice: The Development of the IT Capability Maturity Framework In Managing Open Innovation Technologies , Eriksson Lundström, J.S.Z.; Wiberg, M.; Hrastinski, S.; Edenius, M.; Ågerfalk, P.J. (Eds.), Managing Open Innovation Technologies, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-31649-4

Costello, G. and Donnellan, B. (2012) Creating Interpretive Space for Engaged Scholarship In Information Systems Research and Exploring Social Artifacts: Approaches and Methodologies (Isaías, P. and Nunes, M. B., Eds), IGI Global –

Costello, G., and Donnellan, B. (2012) “New Wine New Skins: Theories of the Firm Revisited ” 10th International Open and User Innovation Workshop July 30-August 1, 2012, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Costello, G., and Donnellan, B. (2012). “Proposing a Meta-Theoretical Framework for Innovation Research, “Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence, EURAM 2012 conference Rotterdam, 6-8 June 2012.

Costello, G., and Donnellan, B. (2012) “Advancing Innovation through Engaged Scholarship: The Innovation Value Institute,” InterTradeIreland All-Island Innovation 2012 Annual Conference Exploiting Industry and University Research and Development: Why it Matters? 12 and 13 June 2012, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Costello, G., and Donnellan, B. (2012). “The Philosophy of Design Science Research: Challenges and Potentialities in the Lebenswelt,” Philosophy in Ireland: Past actualities – present challenges – future potentialities? Annual Spring Conference of the Irish Philosophical Society, National University of Ireland Maynooth, 22nd – 24th June 2012

Hevner, A.,  Donnellan, B., and Anderson, J., (2012), The DRIVES (Design Research for Innovation Value, Evaluation and Sustainability)  Model of Innovation,: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 388 , Helfert M.,; Donnellan b (Eds.) Springer

Helfert, M., Costello, G., and Donnellan, B. (2012). “The Case for Design Science Utility -Evaluation of Design Science Artefacts within the IT Capability Maturity Framework-,” Artifact Design and Workplace Intervention (ADWI) Workshop, June 10, 2012, Barcelona.

Sjostrom, J., Donnellan B., (2012) “Design Research Practice – A Product Semantics Interpretation”, Artifact Design and Workplace Intervention (ADWI) Workshop, June 10, 2012, Barcelona.

Curley, M., Costello, G. and Donnellan, B. (2012) Organisational Ecology for Innovation: A Theoretical Framework, The XXIII ISPIM Conference – Action for Innovation: Innovating from Experience – Barcelona, Spain on 17-20 June 2012.

Curry E., and B. Donnellan (2012), “Sustainable Information Systems and Green Metrics,” in Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices (in press), S. Murugesan and G. R. Gangadharan, Eds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.

Curry E., G. Conway, B. Donnellan, C. Sheridan, and K. Ellis (2012), “A Maturity Model For Energy Efficiency in Mature Data Centres,” in 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS), 2012.

Curry E., B. Donnellan,, “Understanding the Maturity of Sustainable ICT” (2012) in Green Business Process Management – Towards the Sustainable Enterprise, J. vom Brocke, S. Seidel, and J. Recker, Eds. Springer, 2012, pp. 203-216.

Curry E., B. Guyon, C. Sheridan, and B. Donnellan (2012), “Developing an Sustainable IT Capability: Lessons From Intel’s Journey,” MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 61-74, 2012.

Curry, E., Conway, G., Ellis, K., Sheridan C. and B. Donnellan (2012), A Maturity Model for Energy Efficiency in Mature Data Centres, 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Paris, October 2012

Maccani G., Helfert M., Donnellan B. (2012), Measuring and Capturing Green IT Knowledge in Scorecards  – Designing Green IT Balance Scorecards,IFKAD-KWCS 2012, Matera, Italy 13-15 June 2012.

Donnellan, B., Tierney J., Kitchin R., Boundy D., Waitalo L. (2012), “Homo Urbanis and Crucibles of the Future”,  Dublin City of Science Panel, Dublin, July 2012.

Baldwin, C., Donnellan, B. (2012), Spotting the Black Swan, Before You Start: A Literature Review of A Priori Risk for Large It Projects, Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference 2012: Transforming Management Research and Education National University of Ireland Maynooth, Sept 6th-7th 2012.

Costello, G., and Donnellan, B. (2012). “Engaged Scholarship in the Innovation Value Institute,” Irish Academy of Management IAM Conference 2012: Transforming Management Research and Education National University of Ireland Maynooth, Sept 6th-7th 2012.

Curry E,  Conway G., Sheridan C.,  Ellis K.,  Donnellan B. (2012), “Measuring Energy Efficiency Practices in Mature Data Centres: A Maturity Model Approach”, In 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Springer, Paris, France, 2012.

Donnellan B., Sjostrom, J., Helfert, M. (2012) “Applying Product Semantics to Design Research ”, IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference : Shaping the Future of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, December 13-14, 2012, Springer.

E., Donnellan B. (2012), Sustainable IT At Intel: A Teaching Case, International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando Florida, USA , December 16-19, 2012

Curry E., Guyon B.,  Sheridan C., Donnellan B.,  (2012), Enterprise Sustainable IT: Challenges, Choices (Posture), and Outcomes,  IEEE Computer, November 2012

Helfert M., Donnellan B.,(2011) “The Case for Design Science Utility – Evaluation of Design Science artefacts within the IT Capability Maturity Framework” DESRIST 2011.

Donnellan, B., Galliers R., Urquardt C., and H. Krcmar, (2011) “Reconsidering Information Technology and Competitive Advantage: Is the Age of IT as an Essential Strategic Tool Now Over?”,  panel In Proceedings of 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Helsinki, Finland, June 9-11, 2011.

Donnellan B., Sheridan C. and E. Curry (2011), “A Framework for Sustainable Information and Communication Technology”, IEEE IT Professional, January/February 2011.

Gabriel J. Costello, Conboy, K., Golden W., Whelan E. and Brian Donnellan (2011), “Towards an Innovation-Based View of the Firm” EURAM 2011, Tallinn, Estonia, 1st-4th June 2011.

Donnellan, B., Pernici, B, Van Brocke J., Aiello M., and Miki Kresis (2011), “Green and Sustainable Information Systems” panel in Proceedings of Conference of Advanced Information System Engineering (CAISE 2011), University of East London, UK, June 20th-24th, 2011.

Costello, G., Donnellan B (2011)., “Dialogical Action Research: A Case Study” Action Research Colloquium, Waterford Institute of Technology, 9-10 June 2011

Costello, G., Clarke, R., Donnellan, B. and Lohan, J. (2011), Development of a Prototype Knowledge Discovery Portal for Energy Informatics. In Reflections, Challenges and New Directions, 20th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2011) Edinburgh, Scotland, August 24-26, 2011.

Costello, G., Donnellan B. and K. Conboy (2011), Creating Interpretive Space For Engaged Scholarship, IADIS International Workshop on Information Systems Research Trends, Approaches and Methodologies (ISTRAM 2011), Rome, July 2011.

Donnellan, B. (2011), Open Innovation: The Case of The Innovation Value Institute, 9th Open and End User Innovation Workshop, Vienna University, 4th – 6th July 2011.

Costello, G., Conboy, K., Donnellan, B.,(2011)  Innovation Management: An Ecological Perspective, Irish Academy of Management Conference 2011, 31st Aug -1st Sept 2011.

Costello, G., Conboy, K., Donnellan, B. (2011), Dialogical Action Research as Engaged Scholarship: An Empirical Study, International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), December 4-7, 2011, Shanghai, Japan.

Helfert, M., Donnellan, B.,(2011) (eds) Practical Aspects of Design Science, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 286, Springer, 2011

Anderson, J., Donnellan, B., and A. Hevner (2011), Exploring Design Science and Innovation: A Case Study of Chevron, Practical Aspects of Design Science, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 286, Springer, Helfert, M., Donnellan, Brian (Eds.).

Vidgen. ,R.,  Donnellan B., Matook S., Conboy K. (2011) , Design Science Approach to Measuring Productivity in Agile Development, Chevron, Practical Aspects of Design Science, ,: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 286, Springer, Helfert, M., Donnellan, Brian (Eds.).

Topi, H., Conboy K., Donnellan B. , Ramesh V. and Ryan Wright (2011), Providing Distinctive Value Through Master’s Level Programs In Information Systems, AIS SIGED Panel, International Conference of Information Systems, December 4-7, 2011, Shanghai, Japan.

Costello, G. and Donnellan, B. (2011) An Ecological Perspective on Innovation Management In Making a World of Difference: Nation Building and the Role of Management Education, 14th Annual IAM Conference National College of Ireland, Dublin 31st August-2nd September 2011

Whelan E., Donnellan, B., Golden, W. (2011), “Digitising the R&D Social Network: Re-visiting the Technological Gatekeeper” Information Systems Journal, 14 Sep, 2011.

Costello, G. and Donnellan, B. (2011) Dialogical Action Research: A Case Study. In Action Research Colloquium, Waterford Institute of Technology June 9-10 2011.

Costello G., Conboy, K., Golden W., Whelan E. and Brian Donnellan (2011), “Towards an Innovation-Based View of the Firm” EURAM Mini-Conference on Management Innovation, Rotterdam, November 24 – 25, 2011

Donnellan B., C. Sheridan, and E. Curry (2011), “A Capability Maturity Framework for Sustainable Information and Communication Technology,” IEEE IT Professional, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 33-40, Jan. 2011

Whelan E., Donnellan B..,  Golden W. (2010) ,Analyzing R&D knowledge flows in the flat world IEEE Engineering Management Review 01/2010; 38(3):77-91. DOI:10.1109/EMR.2010

Whelan, E., Donnellan, B., Golden W. and Teigland R. (2010), “How Internet technologies impact knowledge flows in R&D; reconsidering the technological gatekeeper”, R&D Management, Vol.40, Issue 4, pp. 400-413, September 2010.

Berthon, P., DesAutels P., Donnellan B. and Cynthia Clark Williams (2010), Green Digits: Towards an Ecology of IT Thinking, Oxford Handbook of Information Systems, Oxford University Press. Robert Galliers, Wendy Currie EDS.), 2010.

Conboy, K., Donnellan B., Morgan L. and Xiaofeng Wang (2010), Opening Up The Agile Innovation Process, in  IFIP TC8/WG 8.6 Working Conference on the Human Benefit through the Diffusion of  IS Design Science Research, Perth, Western Australia, 30 March,  2010, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Donnellan B., Helfert M. (2010), “The IT-CMF: A Practical Application of Design Science” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online) Volume 6105/2010, DESRIST 2010.

Donnellan  B.(2010), “Green IT Metrics: Enhancing Brand Value While Meeting Compliance” in “Green IT Metrics: The Complex Side of Environmental responsibility”, Cutter Benchmark Review, Vol. 9, No. 10, 2010.

Berthon, P., Donnellan B. and Robert Galliers (2010), (Eds) Journal Of Strategic Information Systems, Introduction to the Special Edition “The Greening of IT: Paradox or Promise”, 20(1), 3-5, 2010.

Costello G., Lohan J. and B. Donnellan (2010), “IS to support the diffusion of Energy Management Practices outside of Ireland’s LIEN (Large Industry Energy Network)” Proceedings of The Association Information et Management (AIM 2010), Information Systems and Sustainable Development: Double Fertilization – From Myth to Reality» , May 19, 20 and 21, 2010, La Rochelle (France).

Donnellan, B. Schiano, W., Venkataraman R., Valacich J., Wright R. (2010) , The Future of Master’s Level Education in Information Systems panel, 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems  (AMCIS2010 )

Donnellan B. (2010), Applying Design Science to IT Management: The IT-Capability Maturity Framework.  16th Americas Conference on Information Systems  16th Americas Conference o(2010) in Information Systems  (AMCIS 2010)

Donnellan B., Costello G. (2010), “Open Innovation: The Case of Innovation Value Institute”, EU Open Service Innovation Yearbook, 2010-2011.

Donnellan B.(2010),  “IT-enabled Innovation and Green IT”, keynote address at 1st International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in IT, Athens, Greece, 29-31 July, 2010.

Costello, G. J., Coughlan, C., Donnellan, B. and Gadatsch, A. (2010) ‘Proposing a Formalised Model for Mindful Information Systems Offshoring’ in Papadopoulos, G. A., Wojtkowski, W., Wojtkowski, W. G., Wrycza, S. and Zupancic, J., eds., Information Systems Development:Towards a Service Provision Society, , New York: Springer-Verlag, 481-488.

Whelan, E, B. Donnellan and R. Teigland (2009),  “Web enabled boundary spanners and their role in the knowledge flow network”, In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Verona, Italy, June 8-11,2009.

Butler, T., Donnellan B., Naidoo V., Muregesan, S., Agerfalk, P. (2009), Towards A Green Manifesto For IS Research And Practice, Green IT  Panel , 18th European Conference  in Information Systems ECIS, Pretoria, South Africa, June, 2009

Donnellan B. (2009), Foreword to “Building Blocks of Agile Innovation”, Nilay Oza,  Pekka  Abrahamsson, BookSurge Publishing, 2009,

Whelan, E., B. Donnellan and W. Golden (2009),  “Knowledge diffusion in contemporary R&D groups: Re-examining the role of the technological gatekeeper”, In: The Annals of Information Systems, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning, Vol. 4, 81-94, 2009.

Costello, G. J. and Donnellan, B. (2009) Short Interval Management and the Quest for Process Innovation: Something New or Déjà Vu. In Proceeding of Irish Academy of Management Conference “Revitalising the Field: Innovation, Rigour and Relevance” (Harvey, N., Ed), Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, 2nd – 4th September 2009.

Donnellan, B., Sheridan C. and Johan Gorecki (2008), A Systematic Approach to Green IT: Insights from Intel Corp., MISQE Workshop, 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 2008, NUI Galway.

Donnellan, B., Sheridan C. (2008), Green IT: An Overview, Intel European Research and Innovation Conference, 10-12th September, Leixlip, Dublin, 2008.

Donnellan, Brian, Teigland R., Gorecki J., Des Autels, P. and Philip Berthon (2008), “The Rise Of ICT-Enabled Distributed Collective Intelligence” International Conference of Information Systems Panel, Paris, Dec. 2008.

Whelan, E., M. Ahonen, and B. Donnellan (2008), “Knowledge diffusion in R&D groups; the impact of Internet technologies”, In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, Ireland, June 8-11, 2008

Whelan, E., D. Collings and B. Donnellan (2008), “Managing talent in knowledge intensive settings” In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management Science and Engineering, Vienna, Austria, November 25-27, 2008.

Costello, G.J. , B. Donnellan (2008), Seeking The Face Of Innovation With The Ethical Compass of Emmanual Levinas, Open IT-based Innovation, International Federation for Information Processing IFIP WG8.6, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, October 2008. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Donnellan, Brian, Teigland, R., Ahonen M. and Brian O’Donovan (2008), “Going virtual: Are there real opportunities for business in virtual worlds?” 16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Panel, June 2008, NUI Galway.

Donnellan, B., Topi H., Helfert M. and Roy Johnson (2008), “A New Global Process for Developing the IS Curriculum”, 16th European Conference on Information Systems Panel, June 2008, NUI Galway.

Whelan, Eoin, Ahonen, M. and Brian Donnellan (2008), “Knowledge Diffusion in R&D Groups: The Impact of Internet Technologies”, 16th European Conference on Information Systems, June 2008, NUI Galway.

Costello, G.J., Rochford C. and Brian Donnellan (2008), “A Dialogical Action Research Approach to Innovation as Organisational Change” ALOIS 2008, Venice, May 2008.

Costello, G. J., K. Conboy, and Donnellan, B. (2007). Building a Dolmen: An ISD Approach to the Management of Innovation. The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice, and Education. C. Barry, M. Lang, W. Wojtkowski et al. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2007.

Xu, S. X., Donnellan, B., Golden, W., Costello, G. (2007), Managing lean supply and IS innovation: Cross-Cultural Knowledge Transfer in a Multi-National Company.  23rd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference, Manchester, England, Aug. 29th. – Sept. 1st, 2007, Naude, P. Zolkiewski, J. & Henneberg, S. (Eds).

Costello, G. J., M. Cresham, and Donnellan  B. (2007), Empathy and Teamwork: Reflections on the Legacy of Claudio Ciborra through the Phenomenology of Edith Stein. 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), St. Gallen, June 7-9, 2007.

Whelan, E., G. Costello and B. Donnellan (2007), Examining the Antecedents to Innovation in Electronics Networks of Practice, Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Conference of Virtual Enterprises, Guimaraes, Portugal, September 5-7, 2007.

McClure Wasko, M., Teigland R., Donnellan B., (2007) Creating Innovation Systems through Virtual Communities, Conference: Reaching New Heights. 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2007, Keystone, Colorado, USA, August 9-12, 2007.

Costello, G. J., C. Rochford, and Donnellan B. (2007), Supply Chain Transformation in APC Ireland: Lean thinking, Opposing Logics and Bricolage. 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 7-9, 2007.

Whelan, E., G. Costello and B. Donnellan (2007), “Examining the antecedents to innovation in electronic networks of practice”, Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Conference of Virtual Enterprises, Guimaraes, Portugal, September 10-12, 2007 In: Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Kluwer Press.

Costello, G. J. and B. Donnellan (2007), The Diffusion of WOZ: Expanding the Topology of IS Innovations,  Journal of Information Technology 22: 79-86, 2007

Xu, S. X., Donnellan, B., and Golden, W. (2007), The Role of Leadership in Knowledge Management: A Study of a Production Line Transfer within a Multi-National Company. In Knowledge Management. A. Koohang, & K. Harman (Eds.). Informing Science Press, 2007.

Costello, G. J., I. Gleeson, and Brian Donnellan (2007), The Triple Helix, Open Innovation and the DOI Research Agenda, Organisational Dynamics of Technology-based Innovation: Diversifying the Research Agenda, International Federation for Information Processing IFIP WG8.6, University of Salford, June 14-16 2007, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Costello, G, Donnellan B., Ginn, M., Whelan, E., Xu, Susannaxin (2006), Innovation Management in a Multi-national Corporation’s Subsidiary of Ireland’s evolving Knowledge Economy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. D. Karagiannis and U. Reimer. Vienna, Springer, 2006.

Donnellan, B., Hughes, M. and Golden William (2006), Knowledge Management in Practice: A Case Study in The Semiconductor Industry in “Fundamentals of Knowledge-Based Enterprises”, N. Wickramasingeh and D. von Lubitz (Eds), IDEA group, 2006.

Costello, G. J., Rochford, C. and Donnellan, B. (2006) Linking the Triple Helix Model of Innovation to Enterprise Innovation Processes. In Proceeding of Irish Academy of Management Conference “New Models of Management in the Knowledge Economy”, University College Cork  6th-8th of September, 2006

Donnellan, B., Larsen, T.J., and L. Levine. (2006), (Eds) Journal of Information Technology Introduction to the Special Edition on the Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resilience, March, 2006.

Costello, Gabriel, Rochford, C and Brian Donnellan (2006), Linking the Triple Helix Model of Innovation to Enterprise Innovation Processes, Irish Academy of Management Conference, UCC, 2006.

Donnellan, B, Conboy, K. and Hill, Seamus (2006), IS to Support Innovation: Weapons of Mass Discussion, 17th International Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) Conference 2006, Washington DC.

Whelan, E., B. Donnellan (2006) “The Evaluation of Social Software in a Commercial Setting”, IADIA, September 2006

Costello, G. J., Donnellan, B., Ginn, M. L., Rochford, C., Whelan, E. & Xu, S. X.(2006), Innovation Management in a Multi-National Corporation’s Subsidiary of Ireland’s Evolving Knowledge Economy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. D. Karagiannis and U. Reimer. Vienna, Springer, 2006

Donnellan, B., Larsen, T.J., and Linda Levine (2006) the Transfer and Diffusion of IT for Organizational Resilience, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, 2006.

Donnellan, B., B. Fitzgerald (2005), et al., Implementing an Open Source Knowledge Base. IEEE Software. 22: 92-95, 2005

Donnellan, B. and A. L. Kelly (2005), Agility and IT Diffusion in the Semiconductor Industry. Agility in Information Systems. Atlanta, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2005.

Donnellan, B. and B. Fitzgerald (2004), Towards a Knowledge Typology for New Product Development Engineering Processes. International Engineering Management Conference, Singapore, 2004.

Donnellan, B. (2004), Leveraging the Knowledge Embedded in Stage-Gate Processes: An Empirical Study. In Proceedings of 11th International Product Development Management Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, June 20-22, 2004.

Donnellan, B. (2004), IT Systems to Support Innovation. In Fitzgerald, B. & Wynn, E. (Eds), IT Innovation for Adaptability and Competitiveness. IFIP TC8/WG 8.6 Seventh Working Conference on IT Innovation for Adaptability and Competitiveness, May 30-June 2, 2004, Leixlip, Ireland, pp. 79-90. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Donnellan, B. (2004). Knowledge Management in the Semiconductor Industry: Dispatches from the Front Line. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. D. Karagiannis and U. Reimer. Vienna, Springer, 2004.

Donnellan, B. and K. Bruss (2004), Gaining competitive advantage through the management of Process Knowledge: Part 1. Visions: Publication of the International Product Development Association.

Donnellan, B. and K. Bruss (2004), Gaining competitive advantage through the management of Process Knowledge. Visions – Part 2. Visions: Publication of the International Product Development Association, 2005.

Donnellan, B. and Fitzgerald (2003), B. Developing Systems to Support Organizational Learning in Product Development Organizations. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 1(2), 2003.

Donnellan, B. and Fitzgerald, B. (2003)  Knowledge Management System Challenges in New Product Development. In Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Oriel College, Oxford, England, September 18-19, 2003.

Donnellan, B. and Fitzgerald, B. (2003), A Knowledge Management Application to support Knowledge Sharing in a Design Engineering Community. In Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Naples, Italy, June 16-21, 2003.

Burke, K.A., J.A. Power, B. Donnellan, K. Moloney, W.A. Lane (1994), Worst-case MOSFET parameter extraction for a 2 μm CMOS process,. ICMTS 1994. International Conference on  Microelectronic Test Structures, 1994.

Power S., Donnellan B., Mathewson A. and W.A. Lane (1994), Relating Statistical MOSFET Model Parameter Variabilities to IC Manufacturing Process Fluctuations, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol.7 No.3 August 1994, pp.306-319.

Byrne E., McCarthy O., Lucas D., and Brian Donnellan (1994), An Overview of Analog Optimization Using AD-OPT”, Proceedings of the European Design and Test Conference 1994, pp.540-546.